Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Diet Plan...

I got the 'menu' from the girl at the gym today.  I'm really not sure how I feel about it.  She seems to have taken my willingness to eat the same thing frequently a little too much to heart along with my desire to eat ice cream.

This is the plan she sent. (I'm supposed to do this for 10 days and then go back for reassessment and phase 2) - all typos are hers.

Breakfast: Smoothie with 4 oz of plain yogurt, 100g berries, with 1 scoop of protein powder

Lunch: PC blue menu Turkey burger with 1 50g dempsters original bun, lettuce, tomato, 2 laughing cow light wedges, sauteed vegitables (anything green ie. brocolli, asperagus, etc) using 2tsp olive oil

Snack: Skinny cow ice cream sandwich

Post Workout: 1 protein shake scoop with water

Snack: 1 original babybel, 50g avacado

Dinner: 6oz chicken breast, medium salad include lettuce, spinach or kale, tomato, cucumber, 1 original babybel 

*please do not switch the order of the snacks

Breakfast - that's no problem, smoothies every day I can do - I'll switch up the berries if I feel like it and that's fine.

Lunch, that's a little tricky.  Turkey burgers aren't great cold, so I have to microwave them at work.  I can probably manage to eat cold cooked broccoli (heating that won't go over well in my office - they're very 'smelly food averse' and I don't disagree).

I don't think having ice cream for an afternoon snack is going to work at all - there's a freezer at work but that just seems impractical.  I also don't need to eat ice cream every day, I wanted to be able to have it as a treat, not a staple.

The post workout snack also works just fine.

Dinner is fine, I can live with that.

I guess lunch and snacks confuse me, I'm also not sure about how the timing is supposed to work.  I get home from work at 5:30, gym at 6:00 and then dinner - where does the second snack come in? 

I've emailed her some questions to try and figure this out, I do want to give this a shot and see what effect it has.  

Adam and I are going away for the long weekend and our ANNIVERSARY (a whole year married - hard to believe) so I won't be starting this until I'm back in my kitchen on Tuesday regardless.

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